Old Elephant
by Andrew Gillette
Buy the Original Painting
11.000 x 14.000 inches
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Old Elephant
Andrew Gillette
Painting - Watercolor On Hot Press Paper
I am excited by this piece because it pushed me to really focus on the texture of the elephant as well as creating realism through many alternating washes of warm and cool colors. Elephants are such wise and powerful creatures, so I wanted to capture the feeling of the wisdom and emotion that this elephant seemed to express.
August 3rd, 2008
Comments (21)
Donna Thomas
Thanks, Andrew, for you kind compliment on Don't Worry. How true it is when you stated that once you gain the confidence of a horse, it is forever... I have been this close to a female elephant in Africa with her baby as they passed my jeep. I could see the tears in her eyes... lovely, gorgeous animals and, I believe, the king (or should I say) queen of the jungle...
Ken Powers
This is my favorite work of yours. Excellent shadows and highlights. Fantastic composition with an excellent background. Good work.